Knicknack's Workshop
Freya Oakes -
Maggie - @flyingneefra
Taran Rudlin-Speed - @rudlinspeed
Harvey Underwood - @bedroom_animationstudios
Ryan Drewry - @ris_artorias
Chris Wayland - @tophee.animation
Lara Mulliner - @laramullinerphotographt
Megen Event -
Isabella Pipe - @izzyanimates
Elena Ghigeanu - @d0n0_o
Sydney Marshal -
Dr Dean Bowman Norwich University of the arts lecture: narrative construction
Diana Vallverdu Norwich University of the arts lecture: creative technology and immersive experience
Hannah-Louise Batt Norwich University of the arts lecture: creative technology and immersive experience
Barry Leith Norwich University of the arts guest lecture: puppetry and fabrication